Exporting the scheduled tasks list

You can export the scheduled tasks schedule to a CSV file.

To export the scheduled tasks list

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Tasks icon Tasks and choose Picture of the Scheduled icon Scheduled.

  2. From the File menu, choose Export.

  3. Type a name for the export file (it will be saved in .csv format). If the file already exists, choose either to delete the existing file, or to append the schedule to the original file.

  4. Click OK. The location of the CSV file is displayed.

  5. Click OK.


  • To export the scheduled tasks list, you can also choose Picture of the Export icon in the toolbar.

Related Topics

View a scheduled task's details
Edit a scheduled task

Run a scheduled task immediately

Cancel a scheduled task

Suspend or resume a scheduled task

Print the scheduled tasks list